You are impacting the future of cancer research.
100% of funds raised through MD Anderson's Boot Walk to End Cancer support innovative research and new treatment standards that impact patients and families across the world.
As the nation's No. 1 hospital for cancer care, we lead the nation in patient enrollment in clinical trials of new cancer therapies.
In 2023, the FDA approved 43 new cancer drugs for public, clinical use. MD Anderson contributed to the development of 25 of those - nearly 60%.
Our Goal is Making Cancer History®
Impact Story Spotlight
Me (Gabriel) and my son, Lucas, at the 2023 Boot Walk
At MD Anderson Cancer Center, our mission is to eliminate cancer in Texas, the nation and the world. To achieve our goal, we rely on funds raised by people like you who participate in MD Anderson's Boot Walk to End Cancer®. At MD Anderson, I lead a radiation oncology laboratory where our goal is to harness DNA repair defects to improve radiation therapy, thereby improving outcomes for patients with tumors that are resistant to radiation.
We are grateful for your financial support from the Boot Walk because it is enabling research on a drug to sensitize tumors to radiation with minimal damage to normal tissues. This drug will stop DNA repair in cancer cells, ensuring that radiation destroys cancer cells without disrupting the ability of surrounding normal cells to use protein to repair themselves. Funds raised through the Boot Walk supported an important pilot study that generated high quality data now being used to seek additional government funding to expand our research and guide future clinical trials. All because of walkers like you and your teammates.
Since 2016, Boot Walk participants have raised more than $12.4 million to support critical research and patient programs at MD Anderson, including:
Breast Immunotherapy Research Program
MD Anderson Children's Cancer Hospital
Ensuring Children Have Optimal Support (ECHOS) Program |
Inflammatory Breast Cancer Research
Myelodysplastic Syndromes and Acute Myeloid Leukemia Moon Shot® |
A portion of funds are designated to programs deemed most needed by MD Anderson leadership.